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Project Pheonix3D — Manufacture of metal fines and powders (including refractory metals) for Powder Metallurgy and Additive Machines


Seed stage


Being based on competence, experience and knowledge in the use plasma in metalworking, in 2016 we open project Pheonix3D - Manufacture of metal fines and powders (including refractory metals) for Powder Metallurgy and Additive Machines


  • We use special rotary tools to crush material and produce metal fines and powders. The process is less power-intensive, cheaper, proceeds at low temperatures (no oxidation, no change in properties).
  • When a spherical shape of powders is required, the high-frequency plasma spheroidizing is used.
  • Plasma installation allows to produce metal powders from wire by means of plasma atomization.
  • The special steel (materials combining high-level physical and mechanical properties) for atomization and rotational crushing is made as wire by an integrated mini-mill with a complete production cycle.

REQUIRED INVESTMENT is 1.65 M USD for purchasing of production equipment.


  • Partners for opening our industrial divisions
  • Partners – Metals Manufacturers
  • Producers & Aggregators of 3D-devices (Metals)

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455023 Russia, Magnitogorsk, Chapaev st., 13 -3;

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